This nail art stamp plate is perfect for pretty much any occasion! Favorite team? Put their name or mascot on your nail! In Love? Shout it out here! New milestone? Job? Hobby? Obsession? Love? Puppy? Yea, this plate can handle all of that! ;) Have something to say? Spell it out!
Our Alphabet nail stamping plate is unlike any we've seen on the nail plate market. Plus: we don't just limit you to a few letters - we give them ALL to you in different fonts so you can really let your creativity run wild! The letters at the top are about 6mm wide by 8 mm tall. The rest are either smaller or right at that size with the exception that the ones that look kind of circus like are around 10mm tall.
Need numbers to go along with your words?
Check out our corresponding Numbers plate here. The designs are engraved on the image plates and can be used over and over again - never wearing out. The nail art designs can be applied using nail polish, stamper & scraper